Archive | September, 2013

Kevin Rudd: Christian and Supporting Gay Marriage

25 Sep

I’ve always liked posts on UpWorthy. Often, I really find these things to be quite inspirational rather than what I see mostly being shared on my Facebook News Feed. But today, a particular post caught my attention which shows the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd being interviewed and answering a Pastor’s question regarding his position on gay marriage.

His logic is not that hard to follow. The premise is that homosexuality is not a disorder, therefore it is a natural state of being and any exercise of that state would be permissible. It would also be reprehensible do deny these human beings the natural tendency for them to express and want love.

The next part of the Q&A is typical of those non-Catholic Christians (and sometimes of Catholics as well), is that they immediately rely on biblical texts to support their argument. In this particular case, it was clearly unwise to use the bible because of what the Prime Minister precisely did: take a verse/quote and interpret it in his own terms. It is unfortunate that the pastor could not defend his position apart from references to the bible. And the Prime Minister used his reason to support his conclusion.

And this is where I find myself fortunate to have a long line of great Catholic thinkers that doesn’t solely rely on the Bible. Philosophy and Natural Law may help but only if we both agree to the existence of one truth — an objective morality of the thing being discussed.

I’m not a philosopher nor a well-read analyst but I try to digest logic when I can.

The problem hinges on the premise that either homosexuality is natural or unnatural. Natural being a ‘normal’ state; unnatural being an ‘abnormal’ state. Rudd then forwards his conclusion that if homosexuality is ‘natural’ i.e. normal, then it follows that they must be allowed to marry and not denied marriage equality.

If I remember right, existence in nature does not connote normalcy. (Or does it?) Homosexuality (or to use the Catholic term “same-sex attraction”) is hardly a choice. Though it is uncomfortable for me to simply accept that because it was not a choice when we were born into the world, we can’t do anything about it. If I were born with a genetic predisposition to getting fat (i.e. natural, ‘normal’), can’t I diet, exercise and expect a change? Or could I just get fat and simply blame my lack of choice in this thing I’m born with? So, if this predisposition to getting fat (not obese, which is clearly a disorder) is natural and normal, we shouldn’t stop people from getting fat? I don’t think it computes.

If we can’t do anything about it, then perhaps Rudd might be onto something there. But we can. Why? By design, and by the very nature of man as a creature, he has to reproduce to perpetuate his progeny. Would not this be the natural and normal thing for a species? And, granted, if a heterosexual union is barren, it does not take away the compatibility of the two members. The thing is man was clearly designed for woman, and woman for man.

Should these same-sex couples now wish to have children of their own, but cannot have through normal and natural channels, they hire women to use either sperm to ‘create’ a child of their own (separate) flesh. Of course, this is not solely a homosexual couple’s condition but it will be more predominantly used by them because their union cannot produce life. Though it is not the sole purpose of a marriage, does it not take away this aspect? Is it not, then, natural and normal?

Heroic Catholicism

18 Sep

Catholic by conviction

This, I believe, is one of the greater problems in the Philippine Catholic world. Even church-going, rosary-rattling Catholics are not Catholics by conviction. Yes, they do their civic duty as Catholics by being generous and kind to others, even those of different faiths, and supportive of the local clergy (often times to the point of idolizing them and turning them into rock stars) that they forget the crux of their Catholicism: why be Catholic at all?

All these ‘other’ things, you could do very well outside the confines of the Catholic faith (save for the clergy part). What makes these social justice-themed acts ABSOLUTELY CATHOLIC? We must create this identity that these things we do is primarily because of what the Church teaches. Not just because it makes us feel happy, warm, and fuzzy inside.

We need heroes. Catholic heroes. Identifiable Catholic heroes. Clergy and laypeople.

At present, I follow two “celebrities” in the Traditional Catholic world who clearly have the zeal to protect and defend the faith. Though at times they are in disagreement on some matters, these two are partially responsible for ‘converting’ me into a traditional-leaning Catholic.

First is Fr. Abe Arganiosa of “The Splendor of the Church” (whose site is, at present, hacked and inaccessible therefore I have not linked to his site). He is an apologist who often writes in ALL CAPS (for whatever reason, i don’t know) in his articles and answers the basic and not-so-basic objections against the faith. Sometimes, I have to cringe at his selection of swear words and wonder why he uses them at all. It often reminds me of the leader of Ang Dating Daan, Ely Soriano, who justifies such use sometimes ad absurdum. Still, some of his articles have helped me in my personal apologetics with those who do not share my Catholic faith.

Second is The Pinoy Catholic or TPC for short. TPC is rather my favorite on the web. ‘Suki‘ as we say in Filipino. With his brutally frank commentary, ‘chismis’ along with sometimes humorous and educational posts regarding liturgical abuses (sometimes identified as GULP Alerts), he follows the line along the even more popular Fr. Z on and Michael Voris of ChurchMilitantTV. The main difference is that TPC remains anonymous to many. Some say that the power of anonymity gives him the courage to viciously call out on erring priests and wanna-be priests on their dissenting (or sometimes heretical) opinions on matters of faith. He doesn’t give them the benefit of the doubt. I’ve read a lot of similar negative comments where these posts appear: “How uncharitable!” “How very un-Christian!” “Very inconsiderate of the person’s feelings!” but have often sided with him on these things. Because of these, I also find myself annoyed often at mass with all the abuse I’m seeing! (Another reason why I prefer TLM).

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