Archive | April, 2013


4 Apr

This is a curious Pope.

I still do not enjoy his “gung-ho” attitude towards meeting and greeting the people. This is a nightmare for the gendarmes I’m sure.

And with these ‘impulse’ gestures (I still wouldn’t call them innovations or even inventions), my traditional Catholic side is getting kinda bruised and makes me miss Benedict’s papacy. And perhaps adding fear that Francis would undo what the Bishop Emeritus of Rome has done in the past 8 years. Should I be concerned?

Nevertheless, I still talk myself out of it and say that these things aren’t the real important things. Perhaps Francis’ style is not my style but I still respect him immensely for accepting the challenge of guiding the Catholic faithful. Or perhaps because I hold on to sentimentality and still thank Benedict for being my Pope when I reverted back to the faith. What’s important is what I do about it… I can still continue with what Benedict gave us and still learn from Francis’ teaching on how to relate to others.

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